Exam Tips
What is the SCA
The SCA is the new final exam you need to pass to gain your MRCGP qualification
The SCA at a glance:
An assessment of twelve simulated consultations, each lasting twelve minutes
Conducted remotely in a local GP surgery
Sat only during ST3 training year
Delivered across 9 months of the year
The exam fee will be £1,180
There will be twelve consultations with simulated patients, each lasting twelve minutes.
The cases are performed by professional role-players who are trained, calibrated and standardised so that although the case appears the same for every trainee, it responds to the approach of each individual doctor, as in real life.
The cases may be patients (most commonly), or their carer/parent or other health or social care workers. The cases are based on telephone consultations. In the majority of these you will be able to see the simulated patient. Others will be audio only. There will be a 3-minute gap in between cases.
It is now confirmed that the mix of Video to Audio cases will be around 9/3.
It is recognised that GP consultations in the UK do not follow a single model: they are complex, with many factors interacting in unpredictable ways. The new assessment recognises this variability. There is not a preferred model, nor a script to follow. We have shared marking domains and feedback statements, in order that the assessment criteria are transparent.
Physical examination will not be assessed within the SCA, and instead will be covered within WPBA.
A ‘blueprint’ has been developed to ensure the spread of each assessment is representative and not focussed on any one area of practice. The blueprint uses some of the same names as the clinical experience groups in WPBA; these will be familiar to trainees and educators.
This case selection does not represent a ranking of the value/importance of that area to the SCA or to future general practice, and candidates should prepare equally for all groups.
Blueprint list of Clinical Experience Groups:
1. Patient less than 19 years old
2. Gender, reproductive and sexual health, including women's, men's, LGBTQ+, gynae and breast
3. Long-term condition, including cancer, multi-morbidity, and disability
4. Older adults, including frailty and people at the end of life
5. Mental health, including addiction, smoking, alcohol, substance misuse
6. Urgent and unscheduled care
7. Health disadvantage and vulnerabilities, including veterans, mental capacity, safeguarding, and communication difficulties
8. Ethnicity, culture, diversity, inclusivity
9. New presentation of undifferentiated disease
10. Prescribing
11. Investigation / Results
12. Professional conversation / Professional dilemma
It is therefore important that candidates get experience in managing all the above clinical experience grou
Yes! Thankfully the RCGP have released a few sample videos for you to look at in advance to gain a better understanding of the type of consultations
Each case will be marked in three domains:
1. Data gathering and diagnosis (DG&D)
2. Clinical management and medical complexity (CM&C)
3. Relating to others (RTO)
Each of these three domains will be awarded one of the following grades, listed here with their associated definition relative to the standard of the MRCGP:
CP (clear pass): This domain is clearly demonstrated above the standard of a newly qualified, independent GP
P (pass): This domain is sufficiently demonstrated at the standard of a newly qualified, independent GP
F (fail): This domain is insufficiently demonstrated at the standard of a newly qualified, independent GP
CF (clear fail): This domain is clearly demonstrated below the standard of a newly qualified, independent GP
To learn more about what each domain includes, click here
Standard descriptor for Data gathering and diagnosis (passing level) :
Systematically gathers and organises relevant and targeted information to address the needs of the patient and their problem(s).
Adopts a structured and informed approach to problem-solving, generating an appropriate differential diagnosis or relying on first principles where the presentation is undifferentiated, uncertain, or complex.
Standard descriptor for Clinical management and medical complexity (passing level)
Demonstrates the ability to formulate safe and appropriate management options which includes effective prioritisation, continuity and time and self-management.
Demonstrates commitment to providing optimum care in the short and long-term, whilst acknowledging the challenges.
Standard descriptor for Relating to others (passing level)
Demonstrates ethical awareness.
Shows ability to communicate in a person-centred way.
Demonstrates initiative and flexibility in using various consultation approaches in order to overcome any communication barriers and to reach a shared understanding with the patient.
It is important to recognise these are not descriptions of candidate behaviours needed to pass in every case. For example, there may be no need to demonstrate ethical awareness in the Relating to others domain: They are not a 'tick box' for passing the examination. However, they are used by examiners to guide judgements and set grades and standards where appropriate for the case, to enhance reliability and consistency.
Best here to direct you to the RCGP website, which has within it a handy table of the important dates you need to know about your exam.
Yes, it is expensive! Currently set at £1,180 for the 23-24 year. A full break down of the cost can be had here on the RCGP website
It is not all doom and gloom however - there is some good news. You may be able to claim the cost of the exams back against income tax. For further information on the topic I have linked this helpful document which outlines how you claim back the cost of your exam against your tax
If you do decide to claim, then you will need your pass certificate, the P87 Form or a letter from RCGP . You will also need proof of payment (this can be obtained from your RCGP profile. Lastly, many trainees were asked for a copy of their contract - you should be able to obtain this from your practice, by asking your practice manager nicely!
This is such a big topic that we have a new dedicated page just to go through things in more detail!
Membership gives you access to 280+ SCA practice cases, 12 detailed consultation guides, mock exam generator and an enhanced explanation tool - designed by Doctors to help you pass your MRCGP SCA Exam. Take these cases with you on your mobile device to revise on the go.